You may believe that creating a sacred space for phone play is a silly notion because it’s not like there’s another person with you in the space and it takes time to do that. I get it, who has time in this day and age? Yet, you’re not creating the space for another person’s pleasure but for your own. You deserve to be comfortable and feel sexy while on the phone and that can mean different things to different people. You may not feel like you need to wear your expensive lingere while having a sexy chat with your phone partner but setting the ambiance of your space may increase the way to experience pleasure.
In fact, when it comes down to having any kind of experience we often forget that each of our senses are quing into what’s happening in our surrounding area. If we smell something foul or something that tastes good, each ignites a different response. In the same manner, if we light a good smelling candle or some palo santo or another scent that we enjoy, positive feelings may occur. Add that to pleasure and you have more pleasure!
In the same way, we can do things to make the space more comfortable. Get rid of clutter, get super cozy sheets for your bed and while you’re at it add some of your favorite music to set the scene for your phone date. The more you do to make yourself happy, it’s likely the more pleasure you can receive and in turn, the more pleasure and positive feelings you can put into phone play.
Lastly, make sure you set up a good time to have your phone date. Timing can make or break things for a phone conversation and it’s important not to be distracted by work or family obligations. The chat lines are always open, so picking a time that works for you and your phone partner will be simple.